


Separating sentences


CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS INC. sold 1,550,000 common shares at $21.75 each
yesterday, according to lead underwriter L.F. Rothschild & Co.



Unsupervised Multilingual Sentence Boundary Detection




% wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/nltk/nltk-0.9.2.tar.gz
% tar zxvf nltk-0.9.2.tar.gz
% cd nltk-0.9.2
% sudo python setup.py install
% cd ..
% sudo mkdir /usr/share/nltk
% cd /usr/share/nltk
% sudo wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/nltk/nltk-data-0.9.2.zip
% sudo unzip nltk-data-0.9.2.zip
% sudo chmod -R g+r data
% export NLTK_DATA=/usr/share/nltk/data
% python
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.corpus.brown.words()
['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', ...]


例えば、Google News(英語版)などからリンクをたどって、ひたすらニュース本文をファイルnews.txtにコピペする。

>>> from nltk.tokenize import PunktSentenceTokenizer
>>> p = PunktSentenceTokenizer()
>>> fp = file("news.txt")
>>> p.train(fp.read())

The Finland-based company expects a weaker dollar and slower economic growth in the U.S. and parts of Europe to dampen the overall handset market this year. About half of Nokia's (NOK) sales are in dollars or currencies tied to it; a weaker dollar makes imports more expensive.

"What spooked us was its outlook for the industry in general," said Rick Franklin, equities analyst at Edward Jones.

Nokia reiterated projections that the industry shipments of handsets will grow 10% this year over last. In the first quarter, though, global shipments rose 17%, suggesting a slowdown in the remainder of the year.

For the quarter that ended March 31, Nokia earned $1.9 billion (1.2 euros), up 25% from the same quarter last year but short of an expected $2.3 billion. Overall sales rose 28% to $20.1 billion (12.6 billion euros), roughly in line with views.

>>> a=p.tokenize("""The Finland-based company expects
a weaker dollar and slower economic growth in the U.S. and parts of Europe to
dampen the overall handset market this year. About half of Nokia's (NOK) sales
are in dollars or currencies tied to it; a weaker dollar makes imports more

"What spooked us was its outlook for the industry in general," said Rick Franklin,
equities analyst at Edward Jones.

Nokia reiterated projections that the industry shipments of handsets will grow 10%
this year over last. In the first quarter, though, global shipments rose 17%,
suggesting a slowdown in the remainder of the year.

For the quarter that ended March 31, Nokia earned $1.9 billion (1.2 euros), up 25%
from the same quarter last year but short of an expected $2.3 billion. Overall
sales rose 28% to $20.1 billion (12.6 billion euros), roughly in line with views.""")
>>> for x in a:
... print x
... print "-"*20
The Finland-based company expects a weaker dollar and slower economic growth
in the U.S. and parts of Europe to dampen the overall handset market this year.
About half of Nokia's (NOK) sales are in dollars or currencies tied to it;
a weaker dollar makes imports more expensive.
"What spooked us was its outlook for the industry in general," said Rick Franklin,
equities analyst at Edward Jones.
Nokia reiterated projections that the industry shipments of handsets will
grow 10% this year over last.
In the first quarter, though, global shipments rose 17%, suggesting a slowdown
in the remainder of the year.
For the quarter that ended March 31, Nokia earned $1.9 billion (1.2 euros), up
25% from the same quarter last year but short of an expected $2.3 billion.
Overall sales rose 28% to $20.1 billion (12.6 billion euros), roughly in line
with views.

きちんと、ピリオドで文をわけつつも、"U.S."や、"1.2 euros"などで区切るのは避けていることが分かります。
